Human development and family studies major Lauren Lomas, a Schreyer Honors Scholar, has become one of only eight Penn State students from across the Commonwealth selected to showcase their research in Harrisburg at the 13th annual Undergraduate Research at the Capitol - Pennsylvania (URC - PA) conference on March 3. Her poster presentation, titled "Impact of Technology on the Parent-Child Dyad and Self-Regulation," highlights the research she has conducted over the past nine months alongside Assistant Professor of Human Development and Family Studies Jennifer Zosh, Lomas' faculty research mentor. "The goal of this research is to inform the community and parents on how technology might be impacting parent-child relationships and children in general," Lomas added.
Megan Griffith took advantage of every opportunity to do research during her career as a psychology major at Penn State Brandywine. In her final year, her go-getting approach paid off, granting her an amazing journey. She, alongside Assistant Professor of Psychology Dana Martin, completed a cross-cultural research study that delves into the representation of women in the media in the United States and Italy.
Rebecca Slomowitz, a Schreyer Honors Scholar, is exploring how infants' working memory performs when remembering people versus objects.
"Participating in studies and testing my own hypotheses led to my passion for research. The knowledge and support I've received have been life-changing and will help drive my future endeavors in the field of psychology." - Rebecca Slomowitz
Kimberly Bowen teamed up with Associate Professor of Earth Sciences Laura Guertin to conduct fieldwork monitoring local environmental change. Bowen and Guertin started the Picture Post Project, a NASA-funded citizen science program that encourages monitoring the environment and sharing observations and discoveries through digital photography. Kimberly was the first undergraduate researcher on the project and assisted in getting the four Picture Posts set up on campus in May 2014. She took the first Picture Post photos and continues today with collecting and organizing the digital images. Kimberly is pursuing a major in the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences at Penn State.