Presentations with Undergraduate Researchers
(Student researchers highlighted in bold)
Hand, B., Guertin, L., Marquit, J. (2016). Penn State Brandywine Tree Removal Eco-Services Impact Survey. 92nd Annual Meeting of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science. Delaware Valley University, Doylestown, PA, April 3, 2016. Student presenter Hand.
John DiMaio, Gordon Ruthel, Joshua J. Cannon, Madeline Malfara, and Megan L. Povelones (2017) The single mitochondrion of Crithidia fasciculata is a dynamic network, ASCB-EMBO Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, Dec 2, 2017. Student presenter Malfara.
John DiMaio, Ekaterina Iatsenko, Madeline Malfara, and Megan L. Povelones (2018) Elucidating novel pathways for kinetoplastid mitochondrial dynamics. PAraCon (Pennsylvania Parasitology Conference), State College, PA, July 27, 2018. Student presenter Iatsenko.
Madeline Malfara, John DiMaio, Phillip Yates, and Megan L. Povelones (2018) The role of dynamin-like protein in kinetoplastid parasites. PAraCon (Pennsylvania Parasitology Conference), State College, PA, July 27, 2018. Student presenter Malfara.
Madeline Malfara, John DiMaio, and Megan L. Povelones (2019) Building a genetic toolkit for Crithidia fasciculata. Kinetoplastid Molecular Cell Biology Meeting, Woods Hole, MA, April 27, 2019. Student presenter Malfara
John Ries, Guanxiang Liang, Arindam Basu and Michael Atchsion, The Role of YAF2 and YY1 in B-cell Development, 29th Annual Sigma Xi Student Research Symposium, St. Joseph's University, April 2018
John Ries, Guanxiang Liang, Arindam Basu and Michael Atchsion, Genome-wide binding of YAF2 in CD23+ splenic B cells: Possible roles in B-cell function and interplay with YY1, Special Symposium organized by ASBMB on Transcriptional Regulation by Chromatin and RNA Polymerase II, Snowbird Utah, October, 2018
John Ries, Guanxiang Liang, Arindam Basu and Michael Atchsion, Genome-wide binding of cohesins, condensins, and Polycomb group of proteins in B-cell function, 30th Annual Sigma Xi Student Research Symposium, St. Joseph's University, April 2019
John Ries, Guanxiang Liang, Arindam Basu and Michael Atchsion, Genome-wide binding of cohesins, condensins, and Polycomb group of proteins in B-cell function, EURECA, Penn State Brandywine, April 2019