Fall 2024 Tutoring

The STEM Lab is open both in person and online for tutoring for all STEM courses.

Tutoring Options will be updated soon, stop into the Student Academic Success Center to see options.

Note for most up-to-date information, see post in the STEM Lab, located in the Vairo Building.

How can the STEM Lab help me?

The STEM Lab is a free drop-in tutoring center that provides help for most undergraduate science and math courses.

If you're worried about succeeding in college-level math and science classes or want to keep your "A", you're not alone. Our tutors can help you in the following ways:

  • Answer questions
  • Review material for quizzes and tests
  • Provide test preparation and test-taking tips
  • Establish short and long term study goals

How do I use the services in the STEM Lab?

  • As a drop-in: The STEM Lab provides tutoring on a drop-in basis which means all you need to do is show up when the center is open and a tutor will be available to assist you individually or in a small group.
  • Attend a regularly scheduled tutoring session: Students can sign-up for a regularly scheduled tutoring group with a Master Tutor. (A Master Tutor is a professional with their degree in the areas that they tutor.) These groups meet twice a week for one hour.

Will tutoring fit into my schedule?

The STEM Lab offers a twice-a-week tutoring group for most courses during Common Hour (the time when no Penn State classes are regularly scheduled). Stop into the STEM Lab to find out when and where to meet.

When should I start coming to the STEM Lab?

The STEM Lab opens the first week of classes. Come early and come often! Don't wait until you are struggling in a course.

Earn a Credit for Regular Tutoring

Math 10: Taken in conjunction with Math 004-141

Both programs require students to attend tutoring on a regular basis for a total of 26 hours and passing Skill Check Assessments.