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What is academic coaching?
Academic coaching focuses on the skills necessary to be successful in college. Academic coaches help you, the student, to develop college-level study skills, help you become aware of the full slate of academic and university resources available, and assist you in building the social and psychological skills vital to your long-term success.
How does academic coaching work?
Students meet with academic coaches to build targeted skills on a weekly basis and sometimes students supplement these appointments with meetings with their academic advisers or other campus resources. The skill and content areas covered during weekly meetings with tutors provide a solid foundation in core areas such as time management, note-taking, test preparation, and motivation, with additional meetings tailored to the needs of individual students.
Does academic coaching count as a course?
Students can pursue academic coaching as a one-credit course if they enroll in EDPSY 297, Section 102. This course requires that students attend two 30-minute sessions per week, or one 60-minute session per week. In addition, you will have to complete biweekly assignments administered through Canvas. These assignments are designed to help you develop and utilize the skills being reviewed and are intentionally designed to be compatible with your busy academic schedule and unique needs.
Is academic coaching right for me?
If you feel like you simply don't know where to start in order to do your best in college, then yes! Academic coaching helps students who know they want to do better but really aren't sure how to achieve that goal. Coaching focuses on managing your time for maximum efficiency, setting attainable goals, and developing the academic skills necessary to put students on a path to success. If what you've been doing in your classes hasn't been working out for you, then see an academic coach!
How do I sign up for academic coaching?
Stop by the Brandywine Learning Center in the Student Academic Success Center and ask a Brandywine Learning Center academic coach about signing up. If you aren’t sure whom to speak to, ask any peer or professional tutor to direct you to Brandywine Learning Center staff. Or, contact Dr. Christine Brown with questions about academic coaching at [email protected]. You can enroll in the academic coaching section of EDPSY 297 by adding EDPSY 297, Section 102 to your cart in Lion Path. Be careful to make sure you’re adding Section 102.