Philadelphia City Solicitor Sozi Pedro Tulante will be Penn State Brandywine's commencement speaker.
MEDIA, Pa. — Penn State Brandywine will honor 61 graduates at its annual fall commencement ceremony. This semester’s graduates earned three associate degrees and 58 four-year degrees in nine different disciplines, including engineering, business and human development and family studies.
Philadelphia City Solicitor Sozi Pedro Tulante will be the commencement ceremony’s keynote speaker. Tulante, a 2001 cum laude graduate of Harvard Law School, came to Philadelphia from Zaire (now the Democratic Republic of Congo) in 1983 as a political refugee. Today, he serves as Philadelphia’s chief legal officer. He advises all city departments and oversees nearly 200 lawyers in the Philadelphia Law Department.
The ceremony will be held at 10 a.m. on Friday, Dec. 16, in the Commons/Athletic Center. It will also be live-streamed online. Light refreshments will be served at a reception after the ceremony.