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Students at ta CLAASS meeting

CLAASS meeting

The Council for Latino/a/x and African-American/Black Student Success (CLAASS) is CLASS is a Penn State Brandywine group of Black and Latinx faculty, staff and student leaders coordinated to address the most critical topics of diversity and social justice challenging the Black and Latinx community at Penn State Brandywine.

Haley Grossi

Haley Grossi

Haley Grossi will receive her bachelor of science degree in human development and family studies at Brandywine’s upcoming spring commencement ceremony. 

Penn State caters to holistic success of students
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Penn State caters to holistic success of students

For Penn State Brandywine, expanding degree programs was critical prior to the pandemic and is even more important now. It was a remarkable 2020 for the university despite the pandemic. The university is keen on catering to the students’ entrepreneurial spirits with an emphasis on technology, Chancellor Marilyn Wells told Invest:Insights. The university has also placed a strong focus on equity, diversity and inclusion and many of the events experienced throughout last year makes the importance of this work more profound, she said.