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woman smiling in front of trees

Student Spotlight: Lexie Berry

Penn State Brandywine’s Student Spotlight highlights the remarkable work being done by students in leadership, academics, service, athletics and more.
A woman sits in an office.

Penn State Brandywine appoints interim director of academic affairs

Jennifer Nesbitt, professor of English at Penn State York, has been appointed interim director of academic affairs at Penn State Brandywine, effective June 21. Nesbitt, who will serve in the interim role for the 2023-24 academic year, brings 20 years of research, teaching, and service along with extensive experience in administrative and committee leadership roles.
Man giving presentation on Newton's Law

Brandywine hosts annual youth STEAM event

Penn State Brandywine’s Office of Innovation and Entrepreneurship held its annual Youth Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math (STEAM) and Startup Day on May 11. More than 100 seventh-grade students from four local middle schools attended the event to learn more about physics, entrepreneurship, robotics and more.