Submit a Proctoring Request
General reminders about requesting SDR Proctoring:
- Students are expected to submit SDR proctoring requests at least five (5) days prior to the scheduled exam/quiz.
- When submitting the SDR proctoring request, please be sure to enter your instructor’s email address correctly.
- Do not submit an SDR proctoring request if you are taking the exam/quiz in class with your professor.
50% Extended Time and/or Distraction-Reduced Environment
If you are approved for 50% extended time and/or a distraction-reduced environment and wish to use these accommodations for an exam/quiz, you have two options:
- Take the exam/quiz in the SDR Exam Center: You are expected to submit an SDR Proctoring Request at least five (5) days prior to the scheduled exam/quiz.
- Try to arrange to take the exam/quiz in class or with the professor at another time: You must meet with the instructor at least five (5) days prior to the scheduled exam/quiz to see if they can provide the requested accommodation(s).
- If the instructor can provide the requested accommodation(s), you are all set!
- If the instructor tells you that they cannot provide the requested accommodation(s), then you may either:
- Take the exam in class without the accommodation(s); OR
- Take the exam/quiz in the SDR Exam Center with your accommodations. (You are expected to submit an SDR Proctoring Request at least five (5) days prior to the scheduled exam/quiz.)
100% Extended Time and/or Use of Assistive Technology for Exams/Quizzes
If you are approved for 100% extended time and/or the use of assistive technology for exams/quizzes, it is likely that your instructor will be unable to proctor your exam. It is recommended that you plan to take your exam at the SDR Exam Center. You are expected submit an SDR Proctoring Request at least five (5) days prior to the scheduled exam/quiz.