In an effort to help build classroom libraries in low income neighborhoods, Penn State Brandywine is partnering with Philadelphia Reads in the "GMC Cars to People Program" October 22-26. GMC is loaning Philadelphia Reads a new car to make book donation pick-ups, and will shoot video at each location. Philadelphia Reads will visit the Brandywine campus Tuesday, Oct. 23 during common hour, and plans are underway to collect as many books as possible throughout the month.
The Undergraduate Research Club is sponsoring the initiative with help from the Education Club, said Annabella Gallagher, a senior majoring in HDFS and president of the Club, and books have already been dropped off.
"My goal is 1,000 books," she said, "and I think we can get there."
When collected, the books will be housed in the Philadelphia Reads Book Bank, where teachers from eligible schools can make book withdrawals for their classrooms. "Books are a crucial tool for falling in love with learning," Gallagher said.
"It's important to promote literacy," she added. "Research shows that children in families with low socio-economic status do not have books at home. We want to make sure they have them at school."
Donations of books appropriate for up to fourth grade will be gratefully accepted in the lobbies of the Main Building, Tomezsko, Commons and Vairo Library. They can also be dropped off in Room 207 Main or by contacting Annabella Gallagher, [email protected] or Jennifer Zosh, assistant professor of HDFS and club adviser, [email protected].