Samantha Pezzimenti earned a B.S. in mathematics from Ramapo College of New Jersey, and an M.A. and Ph.D. in mathematics from Bryn Mawr College. Dr. Pezzimenti’s primary research interests are in topology, a branch of math that studies properties of shapes that are preserved after deformation or stretching. In particular, she studies Legendrian knots, which are knots that satisfy certain geometric conditions which restrict their shape. She also enjoys the visual and artistic side of math, and has contributed artwork to the Mathematical Art Exhibits at the Joint Mathematics Meetings. Dr. Pezzimenti is dedicated to mathematics outreach and has been involved in several programs to promote interest in mathematics among K-12 students.
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Papers and Presentations
Selected Presentations
Exploring and Extending the Impossible Card Location Trick
Math Fest, Cincinnati (July 2019)
Legendrian Knots and their Lagrangian Fillings
UnKnot Conference, University of Washington Bothell (July 2019)
Immersed Lagrangian Fillings of Legendrian Submanifolds via Generating Families
Women in Symplectic and Contact Geometry and Topology, Joint Mathematics Meetings (January 2018)
Immersed Lagrangian Fillings of Legendrian Submanifolds
Geometry/Topology Seminar, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (November 2017)
Random Legendrian Knots
EPaDel MAA Meeting, Shippensburg University (November 2017)
Immersed Lagrangian Fillings of Legendrians via Generating Families
ANR Cospin, Ecole Normale Sup´erieure de Lyon (October 2017)
Fillings of Legendrian Knots: Obstructions and Constructions
Tetrahedral Geometry and Topology Seminar (October 2017)