Media, PA 19063
Laura Evans received her B.A. in Psychology with a minor in Women’s Studies from the University of Delaware. She completed her M.S. in Family Studies with a concentration in Couple and Family Therapy. Her master’s thesis investigated how attachment style moderates the relationship between positive partner behavior and recipient satisfaction among clinical couples. Her Ph.D. in Family Science was also earned at the University of Maryland. Her doctoral research and dissertation investigated how couple therapy process, including common factors brought to therapy by both clients and therapists, influences treatment outcome for couples.
In addition to researching couple relationships and therapy process (what makes therapy work), Dr. Evans is also interested in researching various aspects of individual and family health, and parenting. Although she is not doing clinical work at this time, she has experience working as a counselor/therapist to individuals, couples, and families struggling with a wide range of concerns including sexual assault, relationship difficulties, eating disorders, and family conflict.
Dr. Evans is committed to providing undergraduates with high quality and engaging learning experiences, and loves her time in the classroom. She is particularly invested in providing students with the tools they need to become knowledgeable contributors to academia and the human services field.
Recent Publications and Presentations
Evans, L., & Epstein, N. (2012). Couple therapy process and its relation to therapy outcome: Expected and unexpected common factors findings. Presented at the Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT) Annual Conference, National Harbor, MD.
Riera, K., Evans, L., Berger, A., Singer, B., & Maring, E. (2011). Let’s work together: Advancing active learning (and teaching!) through a community of practice. Presented at the Lilly Conference on College and University Teaching, Bethesda, MD.
Bradley, E. D., & Evans, L. M. (2011). Engaging students in academic writing with annotated bibliographies. Presented at the Lilly Conference on College and University Teaching, Bethesda, MD.
Evans, L. M., Epstein, N. B., Jimerson, K., Juzaitis, L., & McDowell, A. R. (2010). Partner withdrawal and steps taken to end a relationship. Presented at the American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy (AAMFT) Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA.
Evans, L., Speirs, K., Grutzmacher, S., Stevenson, T., & James-Gaskin, I. (2010). The influence of household food security on parental feeding practices. Presented at the National Council on Family Relations (NCFR) Annual Conference, Minneapolis, MN.
Maring, L., Braun, B., Berger, A., Evans, L., & Riera, K. (2010). Healthy lifestyles in children’s literature. Presented at the National Council on Family Relations (NCFR) Annual Conference, Minneapolis, MN.
Evans, L. M., & Epstein, N. (2008) Individual perceptions of couple relationships: Implications for the experience of positive behaviors. Presented at the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy (ABCT) Annual Conference, Orlando, FL