Daniela Martin received her B.A. from Hunter College of the City University of New York and her Ph.D. in Social-Personality Psychology from the Graduate Center of the City University of New York. Dr. Martin’s research on multicultural education investigates connections between social identity and cognitive development and more generally, educational opportunities fostered by the increasingly diverse student bodies attending today’s schools. The findings of this research aim to inform both psychological research and educational practice .
Dr. Martin’s secondary research program focuses on the social development of deaf children with cochlear implants. In several published papers, Dr. Martin and her colleagues reported improvements in the ability of children with implants to communicate and socialize with hearing peers, examined relationships with hearing siblings, and identified coping strategies that help deaf children adapt in peer contexts. In addition to her main research areas, Dr. Martin develops research designs that combine quantitative and qualitative methodologies to maximize validity in field projects.
Dr. Martin enjoys immensely mentoring and collaborating with her students. Her goal as a teacher is to strenghten students’ individual voices, help them gain skills and competencies in various areas, and envision themselves as members of a scientific community. Both as a researcher and an educator, Dr. Martin is interested in dialogues triggered by differences that enrich rather than diminish the dimensions of personal identity. She strives to model a way of social engagement that recognizes knowledge as a communal achievement brought about by active participation in and outside of classrooms.
Non-academic interests include reading (British and historical fiction in particular), outdoors activities such as hiking and biking, and frequent travel to the Czech Republic where Dr. Martin was born.
Smolcic, E. & Martin, D. (2019). Cultural/Linguistic Immersion in Teacher Preparation for Emergent Bilingual Learners: Defining a New Space for Asset-Based Pedagogies. In D. Martin and E. Smolcic, (eds.), Redefining Competence through Cultural Immersion: Teacher Preparation for Linguistic and Culturally Diverse Classrooms, Palgrave McMillan.
Martin, D. & Smolcic, E. (Eds.) (2019). Redefining Competence through Cultural Immersion: Teacher Preparation for Linguistic and Culturally Diverse Classrooms. Palgrave McMillan.
Smolcic, E. & Martin, D. (2017). Expanding teachers’ intercultural and linguistic competencies: A mixed methods analysis of a cultural immersive field experience. In J. Jackson and S. Oguro (eds.), Intercultural Interventions in Study Abroad, Routledge.
Martin, D., Katz-Buonincontro, J., & Livert, D. (2016). Understanding the role of openness to experience in study abroad students. The Journal of College Student Development.
Martin, D. (2014). Good education for all? Race and identity development in the multicultural classroom. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 39, 110-129.
Yannuzzi, T. & Martin, D. (2014). Voice, identity, and the organizing of student experience: Managing pedagogical dilemmas in critical classroom discussions. Teaching in Higher Education. DOI: 10.1080/13562517.2014.901963
Bat-Chava, Y., Martin, D., & Imperatore, L. (2013). Long-Term Improvements in Oral Communication Skills and Quality of Peer Relations in Children with Cochlear Implants: Parental Testimony. Child: Health, Care, Development, Advance online publication, doi: 10.1111/cch.12102.
Martin, D. & Daiute, C. (2012). English as a second language, a second chance or second class membership: Exploring the possibilities and costs of immigrant narratives. Culture & Psychology, 19(1), 117-138..
Martin, D. & Yannuzzi, T.J. (2012). Teaching through others: The dynamics of dialogue in the critical classroom. The Journal of Multiculturalism in Education, 7(2).
Martin, D., Bat-Chava, Y., Lalwani, A., & Waltzman, S.B. (2011). Peer relationships of deaf children With cochlear implants: Predictors of peer entry and peer interaction success. Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 16, 1, 108-120.
Deaux, K., Reid, A., Martin, D. & Bikmen, N. (2006). Ideologies of diversity and equality: Predicting collective action in groups varying in ethnicity and immigrant status. Political Psychology, 27, 123-146.
Bat-Chava, Y., Martin, D., & Kosciw, J.G. (2005). Longitudinal improvements in communication and socialization of deaf children with cochlear implants and hearing aids: evidence from parental reports. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 46 (12), 1287-1296.