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A woman stands outside a building.

Brandywine appoints new director of student affairs

Penn State Brandywine has appointed Stephanie Jones as director of student affairs, effective July 5. Jones, a Penn State alumna, has extensive experience in student engagement and programming, including previous positions as Brandywine and Penn State Lehigh Valley.
2023 Penn State Brandywine softball team posing with its championship banner and trophy

Brandywine captures USCAA softball national championship with walk-off victory

First-year student Kaylee Mushinski saved the biggest of her record-setting 60 hits and 60 runs batted in for her final at-bat of the season, delivering a walk-off single during the bottom of the seventh inning to send the Penn State Brandywine softball team to its first USCAA national championship, as the second-seeded Lions bested No. 9 Mississippi University for Women 10-9 on May 18.
three people standing at a table on a tennis court

Delaware Valley Christian Church continues its partnership with Brandywine

Located across the street from Penn State Brandywine, Delaware Valley Christian Church's partnership with the campus began in the 1970s. At the beginning of the partnership, Brandywine consisted of just one building, and the church offered its space to use as classrooms. From helping students move into Orchard Hall to making monthly donations to the University’s food pantry and treating campus staff to appreciation breakfasts every year, it's a relationship that continues today. 
Man standing in front of bush and brick building

Penn State alumnus appointed to Brandywine Advisory Board

Penn State alumnus Bruce Ryan, chief photojournalist at NBC10/Telemundo62 – Philadelphia, has been appointed to the Penn State Brandywine Advisory Board. Advisory board members serve as ambassadors for the campus and provide guidance in many areas, including student life, civic engagement, academic programs and career pathways and preparation.