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University updates COVID protocols, resources

As it has from the beginning of the pandemic, Penn State will continue to follow CDC guidance on COVID-19, and university officials urge all members of the Penn State community to take recommended preventative steps to keep themselves and others healthy.
A woman and a man stand next to a lectern with a Domestic Abuse Project banner in the center.

Brandywine communications director to lead domestic violence agency

Bill Tyson, director of strategic communications at Penn State Brandywine, has been elected president of the Domestic Abuse Project of Delaware County (DAP) board of directors. Founded in 1976, DAP provides safety, advocacy and supportive services to victims of domestic abuse. Each year, the organization assists thousands of survivors and their children through a 24/7 hotline, emergency safe housing, counseling, legal services and advocacy.
Two women hold up certificate at ceremony

Penn State Brandywine recognized for new electric vehicle charging station

Penn State Brandywine has received a certificate of recognition from the Delaware County Transportation Management Association (DCTMA) for the installation of a new electric vehicle (EV) charging station, open to both campus users and the general public. The charging station will help local EV drivers find more affordable options and also helps to advance Penn State's decarbonization goals of reducing its greenhouse gas emissions.