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Sarah and Doug Claypoole with their children.

Sarah and Doug Claypoole

Penn State alumna Sarah Claypoole and her husband Doug established the Boxer Retention Fund, a scholarship to help Penn State Brandywine students stay enrolled and complete their degrees.

Lauren Lomas

Lauren Lomas

Penn State alumna Lauren Lomas, who serves as a training coordinator at Kaleidoscope Family Solutions, Inc., is offering disability services remotely during the COVID-19 pandemic.  

Zoom screen showing institute participants

2nd Annual Human Flourishing Summer Teaching Institute held via Zoom

Twenty-four colleagues from 10 Penn State campuses, the University of Virginia and University of Wisconsin-Madison convened via Zoom on June 16 and 17, 2020, to discuss teaching the "The Art and Science of Human Flourishing," a 3-credit course for Penn State undergraduates. Among the concepts explored was "how we can compassionately hold ourselves and each other more accountable to participate in social change and to be a force for good in the world."


Penn State Brandywine campus grounds.

Summer at Penn State Brandywine

As courses are being delivered remotely for summer 2020, take time to enjoy campus sunshine, virtually! Pictured is Brandywine's bridge and gazebo, centerpieces of the campus' open space.