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An image of the Nittany Lion shrine with a blue overlay. Text in image reads, "Mask up or pack up, Penn State. Our community. Our responsibility. Whether on or off campus, we're all in this together."

Mask Up or Pack Up feature

Penn State has launched an integrated effort to remind faculty, staff and students at all campuses and in adjacent communities of the importance of doing their part to limit the spread of COVID-19.  “Mask Up or Pack Up” is a research-based campaign that is also launched in State College to create a seamless message for students and other members of the community.

“Role-Play Simulations book cover.

Role-Play Simulations

Julie Stanton, associate professor of business at Penn State Brandywine, recently published a book called “Role-Play Simulations." 

A message to students

Message to Students


Penn State is focused on supporting students and helping them to meet their desired educational outcomes no matter the method of delivery, and advisers will be available to assist students in crafting their individual class schedules and curricula options.