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Keiaisha Jackson and Jemimah Mwaba at Brandywine's homecoming in 2019.

Keiaisha Jackson and Jemimah Mwaba

Keiaisha Jackson (left) and Jemimah Mwaba have lived in Orchard Hall since it opened in August 2017. Here they are shown during Penn State Brandywine’s homecoming event in September 2019.

What Will Become of Us promotional poster.

What Will Become of Us

A documentary co-written by Penn State Brandywine Adjunct Instructor in English Mary McDermott will air on Philadelphia’s public broadcasting station WHYY. 

Covid Testing at BJC

POTD-11 19 20-Covid Testing at BJC

Clay Kuzmin, a staff member with Drug Free Sports, hands off a COVID-19 saliva test kit to one of the many Penn State students who have made their way to the Bryce Jordan Center for free, pre-departure testing throughout the week.