First Year: Increase Self-Awareness
- Make an appointment with a career counselor to complete assessments to link skills, interests and personality type to majors and careers.
- If exploring majors, register for CNED 100 Effective Career Decision Making.
- Network! Talk to family, friends, faculty and staff about the nature of their jobs
- Seek out research, leadership and community service opportunities. Pursue diverse experiences throughout your college years to build your skills, your network and your resume.
Sophomore Year: Explore Careers
- Explore relevant work experiences such as volunteer, part time work and internships. Use Penn State’s job board, Nittany Lion Career Network.
- Conduct informational interviews and spend a day shadowing someone in your field of interest. Connect with alumni via
- Join a career-related club on campus and consider a leadership role.
Junior Year: Put Your Major to Work
- Develop a professional resume, cover letter and prepare for interviews. Schedule an appointment with a career coach in 104 Main for assistance.
- Continue to increase your skills and awareness through meaningful career-related activities and work (informational interviews, job shadowing, volunteer or part-time work, internships, etc.).
- Register for CNED 280, Job/Internship Search and Professional Skills.
- Attend Career Events on campus or locally, virtually or at University Park.
- Use Penn State’s job board, Nittany Lion Career Network to explore jobs and internships.
- Connect with alumni via LinkedIn.
- If considering Grad school, research options, requirements and deadlines. Consult faculty and Career Services.
Senior Year: Preparing for Life Beyond Brandywine
- Complete internship(s) in your chosen field.
- Join a professional association related to your chosen field.
- Begin active job hunting six months in advance.
- Update your resume. Collect letters of recommendation and compile reference names.
- Register for CNED 280, Job/Internship Search and Professional Skills, to prepare for an internship or career.
- Use Penn State’s job board, Nittany Lion Career Network and to explore job and internship opportunities.
- Attend Career Events on campus or locally, virtually or at University Park.
- If considering Grad school, research options, requirements and deadlines. Consult faculty and Career Services.